Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Mother's Day Wine Tasting Outing. That's mom, me, dad, Wendy, Jim & Sharon at Arista for a fabulous picnic! Yummy salads & all sorts of stuff, and tasty lemon coconut squares. We started the day with Armida (we all agreed at the end that they had the most good wines), Roshambo, and one other one; ate here, and moved on down the Russian River, which is known for Pinot Noir and sparkling wines. Great day!!  Posted by Picasa

That's a wild turkey as we were leaving Arista. We went on to Davis Bynum, Gary Farrell, and Korbel for bubbles to end the day.  Posted by Picasa

That's my hot ride--thank goodness it had A/C yesterday, as it got to 98 degrees in Healdsburg! From pouring rain to summer in two weeks. Posted by Picasa

Hard to see license plate "SIDEWAYS" on this Porsche, appropriately parked outside Arista, known for its Pinot Noirs. Posted by Picasa