Fall, 2008 in Healdsburg. The grape leaves have all turned colors as well. Happy Thanksgiving!
My fig tree--a few days later, all leaves are gone.
Muriel, me, Lisa, Shawn, & Nancy at Ferrari Carrano Winery in Dry Creek Valley. Great weekend right after we elected Barack Obama as America's 44th President! Glad the girls could make it out--let's do it again soon . . .
Nancy, me, Muriel, Shawn, and Lisa at Amista Winery. When we left, it was POURING rain. Great time inside, where we met Trevor's Terrific Tours--possible Passport driver?
Shawn, Nancy, & Muriel at Dry Creek Kitchen in front of fireplace--man, was it packed that night for a little jazz sesh.
Lisa & I at Dry Creek Kitchen
Shawn, Muriel, Nancy, & Lisa in front of Bella wine cave. Cute T-shirts, and nice Zin & Petit Sirah.
Jeannine & I went to River Rock & entered this weird quarter slots reality . . .